About FriendlyNodes
Your trusted partner for high-performance hosting services.
Our Story
Our story begins with QKing, who was gifted a node by Blake. Unfortunately, QKing accidentally destructed the node, but Blake was quick to repair it and even added the Pterodactyl Panel.
At first, QKing couldn't find a use for it, so he gave a Minecraft server to Merqan. We worked together on the Minecraft server for a short period, but it didn’t work as expected, so we decided to start hosting.
Blake added another node, and we added nice themes along with a lot of eggs for different game servers. But despite all the effort, no one bought our services.
To boost visibility, we hosted giveaways, and then Barracuda came along and added another node. However, we still didn't get any paying customers. Blake added more nodes and continued with more giveaways, but things were still slow.
Eventually, Blake’s Hostinger account got suspended randomly, but Wiggly stepped in and lent us a node. We also started using Barracuda’s domain, but Barracuda's node was lent to someone else, and we were down for an entire month.
During this downtime, we purchased our own domain, and soon after, we had working nodes again. Some small hosts merged into us, and now, here we are, running FriendlyNodes as a reliable hosting provider.
This is our story, and it's just the beginning!